The lifeblood of every small business is its people. Attracting and retaining talent is a major portion of a business owner’s success story and having a competitive benefits package is a key part of any compensation program to attract top talent.
Anchor’s Retirement Plan Advisory Service delivers a customized program designed to help plan sponsors meet their fiduciary responsibilities while empowering their plan participants to maximize their retirement savings. The importance of this work has grown in significance both as a retention tool for employers and as a means to help participating employees provide for a more comfortable standard of living for themselves following their working years.
Anchor partners with John Hancock Retirement Plan Services, an industry leader servicing over 55,000 plans with more than 100 years of experience in the 401(k) space. John Hancock provides:
Resources for plan design
An array of investment options
Investment options monitoring
Tools for employee education
The platform for housing participant accounts, along with the technology to administer the plan efficiently.
Anchor, then, serves as the Financial Representative for plans that it manages. We help business owners craft attractive Compensation Structures using both Qualified and Non-Qualified retirement plans including 401(k) Plans, 403(b) Plans, 457(b) Plans, and 457(f) Plans. Our plans are affordable, easy to understand, easy to implement, and most importantly, easy to manage.
We will provide the business with:
A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Business Owner’s Needs & Desires
A Comprehensive Evaluation of the Business itself and what kind of plan would produce the desired outcome
Design and Implementation of a new plan or plans
Ongoing reviews of plan engagement and desired outcomes
Investment Management Review
Employee Education
Key Employee Investment Advice